So since we know that Peanut is perfectly average sized right now, and I am 30 weeks (!!!!!) pregnant. Peanut is now the size of a squash!
It's hard to believe that I have a little tiny human growing inside of me that could potentially weigh just over 3 pounds! Craziness I tell you. She's moving around like crazy now, especially first thing in the morning when Andre and I eat breakfast together, and then again later at night when I'm relaxing after Andre has gone to bed. Last night I even felt what was unmistakably either a foot or a knee. What I do know for sure is that it was sharp and hard!
Otherwise I have been feeling really good. The odd ache and pain in my hips and low back. Some swelling in my ankles, but I am on my feet most of the day at work, so that's unavoidable. The belly is steadily getting bigger, and about three weeks ago I really started to feel pregnant, especially when getting into bed at night, I joke with Andre I need a crane! To give you an idea of how I look now here is a self-portrait I took of myself in Peanuts room. Don't get too excited though, we haven't started to decorate, so it's just a yellow room.
So without further ado I will end this blog entry with a picture of the the belly (and me) at 30 weeks: