Thursday, March 31, 2011


Emilie Helen! I apologize in advance for the delay in getting this posted, but let me start out by saying that this parenting business is HARD! I had about a million and one other things going on, especially the first two weeks she was with us.

Emilie Helen was born Sunday March 6th, 2011 at 2:34pm after a 22 hour induction. Emilie was born with a quite prominent heart murmur as well so our release from the hospital was delayed so we could have some further tests done, and then a follow-up appointment booked with a Pediatrician. She still has the murmur, although it has improved, so has to have further testing done to rule out anything serious.

I have so much to post, but this will all have to wait. Emilie is currently sleeping, and it was a long night, so I'm going to try and catch a few minutes sleep while I can. I won't leave before posting a few pictures for you all though.

Our first moments together.

Our little girl. 7lbs, 9ozs. And more than a little swollen from her journey.

Me with two of the most wonderful support people a person could ask for; my mom and my husband Andre.

Our little angel, just one day old.

Week #38

Otherwise known as the last week of my pregnancy! The week began as any other with the first of many appointments. First off that week was an appointment with my midwife. Everything was good. I was measuring slightly ahead of schedule, but not too much, and my blood pressure was good and I was feeling good. The midwife did a stretch and sweep to try and get things going (it didn't) in an effort to try and avoid an induction.

My second appointment was with the OB later on that week on Wednesday. We talked some more about how I was doing and it was decided that since Peanut was looking like she could be 8lbs or more, and since my Gestational Diabetes was going a little crazy again, it was best that I be induced. The big day was booked...March 5th, that very Saturday. For those of you that know me well, that was also my birthday, and more importantly the day my OB was on call.

Since my birthday plans were now cancelled we decided to celebrate a day early. So on Friday we had my mother and grandmother over for a nice dinner, then had the rest of the family over for some birthday cake. The only person who wasn't there was my dad, since he was working an afternoon shift at work that week so he was working. We had a great time, and made sure to snap my last belly shot ever.