Emilie Helen was born Sunday March 6th, 2011 at 2:34pm after a 22 hour induction. Emilie was born with a quite prominent heart murmur as well so our release from the hospital was delayed so we could have some further tests done, and then a follow-up appointment booked with a Pediatrician. She still has the murmur, although it has improved, so has to have further testing done to rule out anything serious.
I have so much to post, but this will all have to wait. Emilie is currently sleeping, and it was a long night, so I'm going to try and catch a few minutes sleep while I can. I won't leave before posting a few pictures for you all though.
Our little girl. 7lbs, 9ozs. And more than a little swollen from her journey.
Our little angel, just one day old.
Congrats again! And it looks like you are breathing a big sigh of relief after today's news. I hope it only gets better!