Monday, May 16, 2011

2 Month Well Baby Visit

Otherwise know as Needle Day, or the Day Mommy and Daddy Dread.

I have dreaded this day since the moment she was born. You just hate seeing your child in pain, but vaccinations are something that we both feel strongly about, so it was a necessary evil.

First off Emilie was weighed and measured. We were anxious to see how much she weighs now, and if she had reached or surpassed the 10 pound mark. At her well baby visit Emilie weighed in at 10lbs 1 oz, putting her at the 22nd percentile for weight (meaning that 78% of all baby girls her age weigh more than she does). She measured 23 inches long putting her at the 60th percentile for length (meaning that only 40% of all baby girls her age are longer than she is. I think it's safe to say that she's shaping up to be a long and lean little girl, definitely taking after her daddy.

Lastly was the needles. She was given two different injections, one in each leg. They were done one at a time, meaning she knew what was coming the second time around. Thankfully she fell asleep as we were waiting for the Nurse Practitioner to come back with the vaccinations so she was resting comfortably in my arms when the torture began. Andre was beside me for moral support, and I held little Emilie's leg as they did the needles. She cried, but not as much as we thought she would. After a short little feed after the second needle Emilie fell fast asleep, and pretty much stayed that way for the rest of the afternoon and into the evening. She would wake up only to wake up and cry. She was a groggy, cranky little girl. The next day was more of the same. Lots of sleeping, and lots of crankiness.

We continued to check her temperature, and by early Saturday evening (just over 24 hours post needles) she started to run a low grade fever and the crankiness kicked up a notch, so a little baby Tylenol was in order, and then by Sunday morning, or little girl was back up to 99%. Now on Monday she's back to normal with her usual smiles and squeals.

Here's a picture of our little girl on Friday night. So pooped after her ordeal at the doctors office:
Sleepy Emilie

Just because

She is so cute!

Mothers Day

This year was a day that I have been looking forward to for such a long time. Last year I threw myself into throwing a BBQ for my family to try and keep my mind off what day it was. It was yet another month of failed fertility treatments, and I couldn't bear the thought of being at church and seeing all the families together, so I stayed home and prepared for company.

This year I woke up and dressed my little girl up in her prettiest little party dress so we could celebrate together with my mom at church. This year it felt very important that I be there. I have so much to be thankful for.

Emilie and mommy all ready for church
This year we had family over again for a BBQ. This year the weather even co-operated and we could eat outside. We all had such a great time laughing and joking over dinner. Andre got me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a card along with a gift certificate for a pedicure, so my tootsies can get ready for sandal season! Andre even got me a card from Emilie and wrote such a sweet little message inside. It still brings tears to my eyes thinking of that card.

I am so blessed.

Two Months Old!

It's true what they say about becoming a parent, time seems to pass even more quickly than before. It's like we blink, and suddenly our little girl is a month older. It's such a bittersweet time as everyday our newborn seems to be slipping away and instead we are left with this little baby so full of personality, and ready to discover the world around her.

She's changed so much over the last month. She is so much more aware of her surroundings now. She recognizes faces, and voices. Now every morning when I go to get her changed, dressed and fed she will greet me with a huge smile on her face. My heart still just melts every time she does this. It's amazing how much this little person is so capable of love for those around her. She is spending more time on "her own" now. She will sit in her swing or bouncy seat just watching the outside. She loves just staring at our curtains. Who knew they were so interesting! One of her favourite things is watching the "fishy show" (the Fisher Price Aquarium) after her diaper changes. Well put her in her crib so we can put her dirty diaper in the pail (cloth diapers) and then wash our hands.

She loves this time! She will wave her arms, kicking her legs and just squeal with delight over the bubbles and the little floating fish. This was the best money my mother ever spent on a gift for her that's for sure! We've already had to replace the batteries once already this toy has had so much use. I will just stand and watch her having so much fun on her own. I will have to remember to get a video of her watching the fishy show to share with you all. I'm sure it will bring a smile to your face as well.

She also loves her naked time at the end of the day when we change her bum and put on her pj's. Usually it's just the two of us since Andre is cleaning up the kitchen or doing something downstairs. It's our time and she laughs and smiles, and "tells" me about her day. I think she loves the freedom of no diaper of clothes to keep her confined! She's also really beginning to like bath time as well, so it's a much more quiet and relaxed time. Most of the time for this my mother will come over, and her and Andre will get her washed while I get her sleeper ready, or put away some of her laundry. One day I hope that Andre will be comfortable enough to do this on his own, but right now he still needs a little bit more practice, so my mom is there to help him out.

Emilie just continues to get cuter and cuter. I think you'll agree with some pictures from her two month photo shoot.


Our first holiday together as a family of three! Emilie was too young to actually understand that it was anything other than a regular day, but we made sure that she celebrated in style anyway.

First off we all went to church. Emilie wore a new little outfit that we had bought for her at Carters, and everyone thought that she was so adorable. Then we all came home for lunch and since she was in good spirits and not too tired (since she slept through the church service) she posed for a few pictures with her Easter basket that the Easter Bunny had left for her. She was spoiled, and the Easter Bunny brought her her very first dolly, some formula dispensers so she can have bottles when she's shopping with her mommy, and some bibs. She was such a good sport for her mommy and daddy!

We had Easter dinner at my parents house this year so the whole family, as well as Andre's parents gathered together and had dinner together. We all had a great time, and Emilie got snuggle time with her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins too. She is a very loved little girl!

Here are some pictures from our exciting first holiday together:

Easter Emilie!

The Easter Bunny came to visit!

Emilie and her Easter basket.

Emilie and her very first dolly!

Emilie with her daddy, and her grandparents.